
Weekly Highlights: From U.S Mass Shooting to RI Freeport Scandal

Serving you the most updated and informative news occurring on a weekly basis., Jakarta A number of important issues and events have populated the headlines of our ‘Weekly Highlights’ this first week of December. Similar to previous weeks, issues and events taking place this week are both good and bad news with each other holding great importance at national, regional and international scale. Our online media platform has carefully selected a number of them which attracts the most viewers in the past crucial week.

On our ‘International Affairs’ section, all eyes seem to have been concentrated predominantly upon two major stories. The undertakings of Climate Change Conference (COP 21) in Paris have managed to dominate worldwide headlines as Heads of States from all across the globe gathered and given the bilateral-dialogue facilitation to overview, examine and discuss issues-addressing endeavors surrounding the topic of climate change. Second, the mass shooting early Wednesday in San bernandino, California may be seen as national in scale but bereavement over it happens at global scale and so the newsworthy incident deserves the proper international exposure.

Our hearts and thoughts are with those who were victimized and left behind unexpectedly.

Next in our ‘Trending Topic’ section, our attention remains focused on the growing threats imposed by the notoriously known extremist group known as ISIL or ISIS and the efforts exerted to contain and eradicate them at best.

In our ‘What’s on Indonesia’ section, our concentration is very much focused on the scandal over Indonesian freeport which involves allegations placed upon several political actors within the Indonesian government. 

Despite such alarmingly pejorative news, another inspirational event has managed to ease a little bit of our pain at home. The Japanese government recently endowed Sofjan Wanandi, a nationally prominent businessman, with an award called the ‘Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star’ for his utmost contribution for the deepening of RI- Japan relation.

Last but not least in our ‘Embassy Corner’, Australian Ambassador to Indonesia His Excellency Mr. Paul Grigson held a reception and musical recital on December 3 2015 at his official residence to mark the International Day of People with Disability.

Learn more about those stories below: