
7 Dams to begin Operate in Nusa Tenggara Timur in 2018

Dams built will help address issues in the region such as lack of water for food supply and electricity., Jakarta Indonesian President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo has officially marked the commencement of Rotiklot Dam development in Belu, Nusa Tenggara Timur. President Jokowi expects for the development to finish and begin to fully operate by the year 2018.

“I give it a maximum of 3 years for it before it can fully operate. Please do locals note such promise made by our minister assigned for this construction.Minister will face dire consequences if he fail to do so,” President Jokowi spoke in front of a large audience who attended the event.

According to President Jokowi, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province of Indonesia is one among areas that face difficulty in obtaining access to clean water supply.

Therefore, he suggests immediate strategy to counter such condition and to prevent the prolonging of water supply deficit in this region.

Such suggestion has now been translated into the planning of building as many as 7 dams in NTT.

He continues sharing how water supply is deemed important for crops and foodstuff. In order to reach maximum potential in growing crops venture and get doubled amount of supply of foodstuff, water is highly essential.

"Rice barns need water and the dams provided will help it grow rice, crops and other foodstuff that could help the region address its food and water supply issue,” he explained.

Apart from being able to address food and water supply deficit in the region, President Jokowi also hopes that the presence of those dams could help empower the region’s electricity as it is also reportedly lacking in many parts of that region.

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