
Disneyland Paris Mourns over recent Terrors Leading to Closure

Disneyland Paris themepark was momentarily closed due to series of terrorist attacks in Paris., Jakarta The undesirable terrorist attacks on November 13 2015 at the capital city of France inevitably led to the closure of many places including the recreational sites. Among them is the Disneyland theme park situated on the eastern rim of the Paris region.

The rate of fatality of the event is too overwhelming and thus other facilities such as schools, markets, museums, libraries sports halls, swimming pools, tennis courts, food markets and district town halls are currently closed and will reopen until situations have been assuredly safe.

“All city facilities are closed today," Paris City Hall shared on November 14 2015, as cited in gmanetwork.

The family entertainment venue, Disneyland Paris has issued a statement during press briefing that it would close its theme park on Saturday November 14 following reports of devastating attacks in the nation’s history.

"In light of the recent tragic events in France and in support of our community and the victims of these horrendous attacks, Disneyland Paris has decided not to open its theme parks on Saturday 14 November," the organisation said earlier citing from

According to, recreational sites closure was deemed necessitated for various security reason.

“Considering the gravity of the events that occurred in France and by solidarity for the French government and the victims of these hideous attacks, Disneyland Paris has decided to not open on November 14,” said the park in an official statement. (Akp)

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