
Animals 'Stressed out' over Forest Fire in Jambi National Park

Wildlife in grave danger following exacerbation of forest fires in Jambi National Park., Jambi - Haze caused by Indonesia's forest and land fires does not only choke humans in the affected areas but also caused its wildlife to be in profound stress.

The specialized team dispatched to douse off the fire at Berbak National Park claims that the wildlife is in grave danger and its condition is quite unpromising.

Zero visibility is not uncommon during this alarming haze period. Berbak National Park is one among scores of other National Parks which have suffered from the pejorative repercussion of forest and land fires.

Dozen hectares of the national parks were initially the breeding ground and safe haven for protected wildlife and now they have to experience the extreme conflagration which is likely to carry them into a state of ruination. The fire that started since August 2015 makes it very likely for this wildlife to cease to exist.

Berbak Managing Officer, Agustinus Rantelembang explains that there are 5 specific locations within the National Park which have been severely affected by the fire.

"I can see that the wildlife in our park under acute stress. As rescuing team attempt to put out the fire, animals can be seen drowned in confusion and were frightened by the smog that surround them," Agustinus shared on Sunday 18 October 2015.

He then further explained how the current condition is the worst which has threatened all of the wildlife in the National Park. He said that the rate of fatality to such situation is too high to handle even rarely seen animals can be spotted fleeing off from the forest due to fear and confusion. (Akp/Tnt)

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