
Parliament 'Forgiving Gesture' Plan on Corruptors under Scrutiny

Representatives House designs Constitutional Act aimed at the National Amnesty given on repented corruptors., Jakarta - After spending quite amount of time designing the Indonesian Constitutional Acts on various matters, the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) has to face the inevitability of being largely criticized over its controversial National Amnesty plan.

Such Act suggests that any individual or corporation who is willing to admit or report fraudulence and return the corrupt money obtained illegally in the first place, will be given the pardoning gesture of being set free from any form of capital punishment including the likeliness of spending relatively long time in jail.

Jakarta Governor, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama is baffled to know that this specific form of generosity successfully taken into account and become the consideration for the Constitutional Act deliberation.

Governor Basuki said that such planning is not impossible, but it has to be governed by a set of rules so that those who have been charged will not take the matter too lightly.

"If National Amnesty on Corruptors ought to be applied then it is necessary for them to provide legitimate evidence justifying their wealth. From then on, we may reconcile," Governor Basuki said, earlier this Friday (9/10/2015).

"If a corruptor who has been captured sought for reconciliation then he/she must be willing to declare the source or the origin of their wealth in return. So it is a modified policy to the existing one which requires them to only focus on the amount of their money. Now, that sounds fair right?" he further explained.

On October 6 2015, the Representatives House went to discuss the designing of two Constitutional Acts that will be included in the 2015 National Legislation program. The Act focused much on the planning of issuing National Amnesty on repented corruptors.


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