
RI President to Inspect Countermeasure Over 'Smokey' Region

President Jokowi is bound for areas in Sumatera where forest fires originated where he will inspect operations deemed for containment., Jakarta - Acute widespread of smog all across Sumatera region within Indonesia generates pejorative repercussion at regional scale with impacts felt in neighboring countries.

Responding to growing complains from Malaysia and other countries that are affected by it, Indonesian President Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo spends this Thursday (8/10/2015) making courtesy call to the areas where the smokes caused by burned land and forest originated.

His schedule today includes visitation to three provinces which include Jambi, South Sumatera and West Sumatera where he will conduct supervision on countermeasure operation over forest fires and the smog that followed.

These areas have been severely affected by the calamitous tragedy and the people residing in the areas have suffered from the extreme respiratory threat.

"I am heading for Riau, Jambi, South Sumatera and Barat Sumatera where smokes from forest fire originated," President Jokowi stated.

While he is in Jambi, President Jokowi will take his time to visit the victims who have been suffering from acute respiratory disease caused by the smokes that have exacerbated overtime.

He is also scheduled to visit Pematang village where the forest fire began. Fire department canal will be established in the area to prevent future similar tragedy.

President Jokowi had to previously postpone his intention to visit these places due to safety reason as the smokes covering these particular areas made it impossible for him to fly into the region. (Akp/Tnt)

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