
Maritime Minister: Indonesia Ought to Utilize Natural Resources

Rizal Ramli explains that Indonesia needs a leader that knows how to make good use of its insurmountable natural resources., Jakarta Indonesian Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs, Rizal Ramli was given the opportunity to give an opening speech for University Diponegoro Chemical Engineering seminar teaming 'Country Preparatory Gesture and Strategy to face National Energy Crisis'.

In his opening speech, Rizal reminds attendees of the rich natural resources that Indonesia is graced with and that surely poses a threat to other countries because the archipelago nation is excelling in that particular sector. He even states the fact that Indonesia is effortlessly lucky to be given such rich intrinsic quality.

"Australia faces problem of finding the proper access to clean water and therefore that hinders in the everyday activity of its citizens," Rizal said, Wednesday (7/10/2015).

"Norwegia also faces problem of not receiving enough sunlight which makes it necessary for them to create a technology designed to preserve foodstuff for more than 6 months,” he continued.

Indonesia on the other hand, does not have to worry about what Australia or Norwegia are facing as it is rich with its insurmountable natural resources.

"Indonesia is graced with outpouring water and sunlight supply. But the nation surely needs a great leader to know how to make good use of those blessings," he said.

Rizal Ramli feels that the country needs a great leader who is competent and aware enough of the nation's resources so that appropriate utilization of it can be properly conducted. (Akp)

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