
3 Year Old Giant Panda Having a 'Bamboo' Blast on Her Birthday

Witness Yuan Run being the life of her birthday party as she spent such festive moment with 6 other giant panda in China., Jakarta - Giant panda is considered as one among several other equally unique animal whose life is currently at the brink of extinction. Adorable, cute, sweet, lovely are among many of the adjectives people often used to describe the animal Panda.

With its black and white fur, it is not a surprise to dolls forming its figure sold everywhere across the world. Originating from China, this particular animal has grows in each and every person’s heart, especially those living in the region where it came from.

Relying predominantly on bamboo trees to satisfy its dietary needs and finding solace in wet and chilly forest of Central China’s mountainous area, the continually decreasing giant panda population has to overcome the inevitable challenge of equally diminishing habitat or safe haven which for long period of time have facilitated them with sanctuary and basic needs.

As time progresses, human race also progresses. They sought for modernization and determined to actualize such aim by developing its infrastructure. Little did they know that construction requires a land and unfortunately, in doing so some other living things such as giant panda population has to experience the unwanted impact of losing their bamboo trees and sanctuary.

With human population continues to grow overtime and leave no room for panda to reside in its habitat as human construction activities underway, it is not unquestionable to see these lovely creatures subjugated from the likeliness of its whole disappearance in the future.

A drastic change to the environment could pose a fatal threat to the very survival of these panda. As many as 250 panda in the mountainous area of Qionglai and Minshan have lost their lives due to famine in 1974 through to 1983. This is primarily because the areas where they retained food have been transformed into largely constructive areas and thus they do not have any source of food for everyday need.

Following such worrying incident, Sichuan Forestry Department along with Chengdu zoo professionals initiated Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding where they were determined to rescue and treat sick and dying panda and evacuate them to the zoo where they will receive extra special treatment.

The period of 1963 through to 1993 is a period where the Research Base successfully rescued and treated 63 sick wild panda with results confirming that 75% turned healthy as before and being set free into the wilderness.

Up until now, Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding continues to cherish the very existence of panda and determined to rescue them from the likeliness of disappearance.

On Wednesday 25 of August 2015, Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding went to celebrate one of its precious pandas 3rd birthday.

"We have a giant panda turning 3 years old today. Her name is Yuan Run," Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding Public Relations, Jason Lao told in Chengdu, China.

Yuan, who was born in 2012, was treated in the most humanely special on her day, with a special serving of piling young bamboo shoot along with delicious 'tar cake' made out of apples and other fruit assortments as complimenting dishes. This clearly shows how the research base is doing whatever they can in their power to maintain the lives of their panda by giving them the treatment they really deserve.

"She is fluffy and has a sharp face. She is a small panda but isn't always very clean therefore her fur is yellow-haired, active but stubborn," as described on the board located next to her cage.

Though inherently prefer solitary confinement, Yuan is not the only resident in her cage as she roomates with 6 other pandas akin to her age. On that age range, they can safely be assumed as entering teenager's or youth's stage of giant panda life.

"At five years of age, they will be separated from one another so that they could mate with the proper companion," Jason explained.

According to Jason, 95% of giant panda will go through insemination process to achieve conception of the female ones.

On their birthdays, vey few wants to get out of their cage as they have grown accustomed to the cool air from the air con provided in their cage. Yuan and her companions were content enough with the piling food serving and happy to be able to eat them insatiably in the laziest posture ever.

Watch the video below to see Yuan having a blast on her birthday with 6 of her friends and witness each and every one of them feeding their insatiable appetite for bamboo:


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