
Areas Lack Access to Clean Water Expand during Drought Season

Many districts reported limitation to clean water and the relevant institution in return, sought for the alleviation of their suffering., Jakarta - Indonesia is again faced with the dryness of a long drought season. During this period of time, access to clean water is equally challenged with many of the districts within Indonesian provinces reportedly suffer from such worrying limitation. As many as 13 districts in the area of Sukabumi, West Java have signaled burdens over lacking access to sanitation and clean water.

"Many areas are now reporting such limitation to clean water, this means that the worrying issue expands overtime to every part within Indonesian region with the current information showing that most part of southern Sukabumi has already been subjugated by the inability in gaining such access," Head of Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPDB), Usman Susilo informed on Sunday 30 August 2015.

According to him, affected areas include: Gegerbitung district, Bantargadung district, Warungkiara district, Palabuhanratu, Pabuaran, Sagaranten, Cimanggu, Cikakak, Simpenan and Cidadap.

Aid has been exerted to several areas include Ciracap, Cimanggu, Sagaranten and has been given in a form of clean water distribution.

Though effectively done in a gradual manner, it is feared that the situation exacerbates to other areas with very little time available for aid to be evenly distributed in other subjugated districts.

"We have distributed 480 liters of clean water to people who reside in areas with limitation to clean water," Usman explained.


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