
Purchase of Explosives Materials Led to Solo Terrorists Arrest

3 Men in Solo have been arrested on Tuesday afternoon following police discovery of ISIS flags and explosives materials in their possession., Jakarta - Indonesian Police Special Detachment 88 unit captured 3 men assumed to be terrorists in Solo, Central Java. Head of Indonesian Police, Badrodin Haiti informed the date of the arrest to be on Tuesday afternoon 12 August 2015.

Their names are, Ibadurrachman, Yus Karman and Giyanto. The three captured men suspected to be part of the infamous extremists group, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

These assumed to be terrorists reportedly have equipped themselves with explosives to anticipate any raid or bust by the authority.

"The knew we were coming. So they have been planning to make a bomb," Badrodin said, Jakarta, Friday (14/8/2015).

According to him, suspicions against these men grew following reports of frequent purchase on materials needed to make explosives in the area.

Shortly after a series of investigation done on them and their identities, police immediately dispatch its personnel to perform such bust. Badrodin believes that there are more of them that are still on the loose and so the hunt is not yet over.

"Yes, some still out there so we ought to search for the rest with similar potentialities," Badrodin stated. (Akp/Tnt)



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