
Indonesia One Step Closer to Developing Nuclear Power Plants

Nuclear tragedy of Fukushima apparently has no traumatising impact, instead caused for growing interest of Asian nations to have one., Jakarta - The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster was seen to be a catastrophic reminder of power plant’s capability and how powerful nuclear energy is in general. The incident however, apparently did not carry with it, the kind of impact everyone assumes.

It was generally assumed that the fatality of the tragedy caused for the declining trend of interest in building power plants. The reality however, shows otherwise with many Asian nations reportedly include power plant development planning in their national’s budget.

According to the data collected from ‘World Nuclear Association’, countries such as Saudi Arabia, Belarus, Lithuania, Turkey Vietnam, Jordan, Poland, Bangladesh, Eygypt, Malaysia, Nigeria, Kenya and Morocco have all showed interest and currently developing its own nuclear power plants.

The General Directorate of Renewable Energy Resources from Indonesian Energy Ministry (ESDM), Rida Mulyana confirms the fact that many nations have come to accept the benefits of owning nuclear power plants thereby spurring interest of developing one.

"Following the tragedy of Fukushima, the trend of building nuclear power plant surprisingly goes up including in the Asian region," Rida told on Monday 10 August 2015.

Rida said that Indonesia is ready to build nuclear power plants, and was already given the clearance by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Indonesia however, still has to comply with two of the requirements needed for such construction: political will and socialization. Socialization has the most appeal because it stresses the need for the government to acknowledge its people regarding the power plant’s presence and its positive use. (Akp/Tnt)

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