
Chinese Tourists Warned to Take Caution in Turkey

Chinese Embassy in Turkey warned tourists to remain cautious and avoid being alone., Jakarta - Chinese tourists have been cautioned to take safety measures in Turkey after an attack on a number of Chinese tourists in Istanbul during the protest of the Chinese governments treatment of Uighur Muslims.

Muslims in Turkey share a majority of its culture and background with Chinese Uighurs and are opposing the alleged oppression.

The Chinese Embassy warned tourists to be cautious and avoid being alone. 

The website also warned Chinese to keep a significant distance between themselves and any protests and not to photograph any of the activity.

Others may also feel the need to be cautious as a group of Korean tourists who were mistakenly recognized as Chinese, were attacked.

A video posted by Dogan News Agency shows a tourist repeatedly telling reporters: "I am not Chinese. I am Korean."

Contributor: Leana Lares


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