
Bad Weather Caused the Disappearance of RI Students in Alpen

14 Indonesian students in Germany went missing on Monday in the mountainous area of Alpen and immediately located and rescued., Jakarta - The Indonesian government immediately responded to reports claiming the disappearance of 14 Indonesian students in the mountainous area of Alpen, Germany. Fortunately, such quick response brought about some positive outcome with all of them located and evacuated sooner than initial expectation.

"The initially missing Indonesian students have been located and now secured," The Director of Indonesian Citizens Abroad Protection and Legal Service from the Foreign Ministry, Muhammad Iqbal informed, Tuesday (26/5/2015).

The Indonesian Embassy in Berlin is currently preoccupied with giving these students consolation, as they were previously entrapped in the mountainous area of Alpen during the period of time when bad weather strikes.

"A helicopter was used to rescue them and direct these individuals to the nearest town in Kuhrintalm," he added.

14 Indonesian students reported to have lost their way as they made their way up to the mountainous area of Alpen, Germany on Monday 25 May 2015. It is speculated that bad weather played the most dominant role in hindering them from finding a way home.

"14 of our students from a number of cities in Germany went on a tour to Berchtesgadener Alpen, and continued their journey despite evidence of worsening climate condition," Iqbal continued explaining. (Akp/Tnt)

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