
Police Arrests Pimp Behind Online Celebrity Prostitution Business

The culprit of illegal business informs how some of the commercial sex workers joined the business voluntarily., Jakarta - Prostitution business, similar to drugs, is particularly difficult to eliminate. Such illegal business has become so entrenched into the country's culture that its removal entails more than just capturing the culprit behind it.

A stronger capital punishment for the perpetrators and the victims who have voluntarily compromised to such business is deemed crucial as to establish fear among others who are planning or currently entangled in similar work field.

As time progresses, prostitution business has evolved to a stage where the procurer or what many colloquially known as 'pimp' resort to online method in gaining customers and potential members. 

Worst yet, South Jakarta Police Department has just recently discovered online prostitution business involving Indonesian celebrities. An alleged procurer, Robby Abbas reportedly employed as many as 200 commercial sex workers.

Robby admits how half of the commercial sex workers in his list come from renowned background and in this case most of them are celebrities. 

He continues sharing how some of the commercial sex workers voluntarily requested such employment position and the others reportedly requested him to offer such job to celebrity.

"Some of them offer these workers to me and surely i offer such job to a number of them as well. So they are in the business for various reasons. Some are my fault and some are theirs because they were willing to do it," Robby told at the South Jakarta Police Headquarter, Monday (11/5/2015).

"It starts from mouth to mouth. That’s how we gain information as to who is willing, who is not, who is available and who is not. One thing for sure, those who are susceptible to prostitution are already obvious from the beginning because they will be talked about a lot," he continued explaining.

Law enforcers went to arrest Robby Abbas on Friday 8 may 2015. Police found him loitering at a lobby of a luxurious hotel in South Jakarta. (Akp/Tnt)

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