
Indonesia Allows Mary Jane to Testify Using Teleconference Method

Mary Jane's exclusion from second batch execution was due to her importance in bigger case which she needs to testify., Jakarta - Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso, a Philippines national, was fortunately taken off the list of the second executed batch in Nusakambangan.

Her exclusion was questionable to many and the Indonesian Attorney General has issued a statement claiming her exclusion to be acceptable, due to Philippines President personal request as she holds key role in bigger case where she is required to testify.

The government of Philippines has previously requested for her presence back in the country, to testify against her alleged accomplice who has voluntarily surrendered to local authority and admitted her human trafficking venture which evidently involved the exploitation of Mary Jane. 

The Indonesian Attorney General however, rejected such request and provide an option of allowing Mary Jane to testify through video conference.

"Philippines government has agreed to our option and so we will resort to video conference," Indonesian Attorney General, Tony Spontana informed, Jakarta, Monday (4/5/2015).

The Indonesian Attorney General is currently coordinating with the Philippines embassy representatives regarding the teleconference method they are planning to resort in addressing Mary Jane’s issue.

"Why is it important for us to coordinate with them? It is because we have already provided the facilities needed for such proceedings to take place. The government of Philippines is personally responsible for the payment of the facilities they requested us to provide," Tony further explained. 

Mary Jane's exclusion from the second execution list does not mean that her capital punishment is cancelled. 

It means that it is being postponed until all her cases are sorted out completely. (Akp/Tnt)

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