
Nusakambangan Prison Awaits for Mary Jane's arrival

The execution date will be set after all inmates gathered and all legal process completely done., Jakarta People are now loitering for the decision of the Indonesian Attorney General and government to execute the second batch currently on the death row.

The news earned itself nationwide acknowledgment and prominence with two of the inmates from Australia successfully attracted worldwide sympathies.

Despite the large- scale popular outcry vocalized by those who disapprove death penalty, many people are questioning the Indonesian government's seriousness in upholding the law as the execution date has not been set yet. This eventually leads to the assumption that the government refuses to be transparent to its people.

However, the Indonesian Attorney General reassures that they will not postpone nor cancel the execution process. 

The hindrances thus far come from some of the inmates who deliberately and indirectly tried to postpone the decision- making process for the date of the execution by requesting for their cases to be re- reviewed by the court. 

This surely prolongs the wait and the Indonesian government hopes for its people to accept the fact that it is not the government’s desire to leave people behind with such uncertainty but the inmates clandestine intention to stay alive.

Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso is one of the inmates from Philiphines who has asked for her case to be reviewed again. 

Her proposal however, was rejected by the RI Attorney General. She is the last one to be sent to the Nusakambangan Correctional Institution in Cilacap, Central Java.

"Mary Jane's case has already been reviewed. We rejected her request. After all legal process is done and the decision finally made, we will have her departed to Nusakambangan," The Head of RI Attorney General, Tony T Spontana informed on Wednesday 1st April 2015. (Akp/Ein)


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