
Governor Ahok to Give Dispensation on Public Transport Companies

The tariff will be adjusted in accordance to the distance reached, thus both the company and government will be benefited from it., Jakarta - Public transportation companies will be given fiscal dispensation, starting from the motor vehicle tax (PKB) to the transfer tax collection for new vehicle (BBNKB).

Jakarta Governor, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok promised to give the aforementioned privileges to those companies who agree for their transportations to be accommodated by PT. Transjakarta.

Jakarta government has already shown its interest to control companies-owned public transportations. 

This is primarily because the central government envisions a more- improved public transportation with its tariff set per kilometre.

"Public transportation companies will definitely receive intensive from the collaboration with the local government. Once they propose to the bank, they will surely receive a credit," Governor Ahok explained at the City Hall, Jakarta, Tuesday (31/3/2015).

"If those public transportations are managed by PT. Transjakarta, then the possibility of banks allowing for instalment is relatively big," he continued. 

With the tariff set adjusted to the distance or per kilometre, then the companies will be benefited in accordance to the distance reached.

Apart from that, Governor Ahok views this new policy as an attempt to save the budget initially set to purchase buses. 

This is because, everytime the government releases new buses, the process is quite complicated. 

This starts with putting it in auction first and thereafter, another process ought to be done to seal the deal. (Akp/Tnt)

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