
Part of AirAsia QZ8501 Wings Discovered around Central Sulawesi

A man stumbled upon objects thought to belong to AirAsia QZ8501 as he strolled down the beach., Jakarta An object assumed to have been part of AirAsia QZ8501 has been found at the seam of Palu beach, Kelurahan Baiya, Kecamatan Tawaeli, Palu, Central Sulawesi. It was discovered on Thursday (12/02/2015) at around 17.30 pm local time. Apart from the aforementioned finding, a hand-carry along with a pair of woman shoe has also been discovered. These findings were believed to be parts of what was left from AirAsia QZ8501.

The 52- year old man who located these findings, Nusrin said that he was in the middle of trying to find recycled goods along the coastline of Palu Beach not far from his home. He then found these objects and carried them all home. As he got home, his family told him that those belong to AirAsia QZ8501.

"When my family saw it they immediately reported it to the Tawaeli police, they told them how I have found the broken piece of what is believed to be the wing of AirAsia QZ8501 along with the women accessories," Nusrin said at the Police office at Tawaeli, Friday (13/02/2015). 

"So when I was looking for recycled goods along the beach, I found these objects. At first, I didn’t know what that was, so I thought I could scale and that is why I brought all of them home," he said.

Nusrin also explained how the women accessories were found not far from the location where he found the part of AirAsia QZ8501 wing.

"Yes, still on the beach, just a little further," Nusrin explained.

After reporting it to the police of Tawaeli, a number of police officers came to his house to get the objects. Right now, the findings are being secured at the Tawaeli police office and will be sent to the Basarnas at Palu.

"We have contacted Basarnas. They are planning to come to the police office to pick up these findings," The head of Tawaeli police AKP Gustam Aras said. 

The broken part of the wing is 1 meter in length and it has an 'airbus' writing on it. The women accessory found also has 'Dior' writing in the middle of it.

With part of the wing found, it means that there are many of debris assumed to belong to AirAsia QZ8501 that will be found in the future around this area. (Akp/Riz)



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