
Reshuffling of Jokowi's Cabinet is 'Imminent'?

The President has the prerogative right to reshuffle but his decision is interfered by the advices of those in political parties., Jakarta President Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo is now faced with many problems. Among the many problems he faces, one of them lies on the competence of the working cabinet under him. It is his responsibility to monitor the workings of those under him and to make sure that they do well in their duty.

Just recently, President Jokowi considers the possibility of reshuffling due to the emergence of reports claiming that some of his ministers are working ineffectively. Each minister is given a specified amount of time and budget to implement the programs President Jokowi initiated. However, in doing so the President is continually seeking the advice of others when actually he has the prerogative right to do so even in the absence of other’s opinion.

The political analyst from Poltracking Hanta Yuda confirms this as he thinks that Jokowi has the utmost right to do so but surely he considers the need to compromise with his supporters from the political party or any other party as to prevent discontentment from many sides that may be detrimental for his position and interest in the future.

According to Hanta, President Jokowi needs to communicate his intention first and to maintain a desirable relationship with his cabinet before making a statement confirming the reshuffling of the cabinet. This is to prevent a conflict that may arise due to miscommunication or unacceptance.

"Our system is very much presidential, this means the president can reshuffle anytime he desires. But it is not that easy in Indonesia, there needs to be a lobbying effort to the existing political parties. This is something that the president cannot run away from," Hanta Yuda said, Cikini, Central Jakarta, Saturday (07/02/2015).

Apart from focusing on the aforementioned factor, Hanta also suggests for the President to focus on the ministerial candidates’ motive behind his intention to become the ‘helper’ of the president. This is to further assure the sincerity of those who want to further Joowi’s program rather than furthering their very own parochial interest.

"Before moving forward to reshuffling session, Jokowi has to be able to stand up for himself. He has to get to know his stance. He ought to find someone who is capable and loyal. The candidate needs to be loyal to the president only," he continued. 

Following to that, the future candidate has to have the capacity, ability, trustworthiness and competence to do the programs set by Jokowi.

"I think there is an improvement. Jokowi clearly has the ability to fulfil his promises made during campaign. He is also confident in doing so," Hanta concluded. (Akp/Ein)


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