
A Mother's Contribution from Ahok's Point of View

Ahok shares how a lot of his positive values rooted from her mother's teachings., Jakarta - December 22 is universally known as mother’s day. Like many other individuals, Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok also celebrates as he reminisces all the sacrifices his mother, Buniarti Ningsih, has so lovingly given him.

"Just like Iwan Fals’ song, that is how I remember my mother. She used to reap pepper (to finance family’s need), though not as exaggerated as what Iwan Fals describes in his song as ‘bloody’ and ‘suppurate’. But the meaning says it all, like the air," said Ahok as he quotes some of the lyrics from one of Iwan Fals’ song, Jakarta, Monday (22/12/2014).

Although the Governor comes from a considerably wealthy family, he shares how his mother taught him and the other four of his younger siblings to maintain a modest lifestyle. His mother also taught them to do certain things that lower to middle people class normally do.

"For a mom such as mine, selling cookies is not a big deal and nothing to be ashamed of. Other people would be like, why would people with such money sell cookies? For my mom, it is surely nothing to be ashamed about," Ahok said.

He admits how there are a number of positive values that can be taken from the teachings of his mother. To her children, Buniarti adopts values such as honesty, transparency and humbleness towards others.

"My mother’s message to me was, the most important thing is to be honest, to work hard and to remain selfless, don’t be ashame of anything you do if it is for positive purposes. Buying this and that, wear this and that, it burdens us," he added.

Ahok says there is no saying "happy mother’s day" tradition in his family, however, he assures that the church that his family goes to always reminds those who come to always cherish mother’s contribution. (Akp/Riz)

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